3 Phases
3 Phases are both serial and simultaneous, overlapping concurrent and recurrent—experience, learn, prototype, pilot and improve.
Phase 1: Executives Scope Change Challenge
Engage senior team, culture and strategy design
Feasibility of strategic intent: organizational leadership eliminates doomed changes
Executive Team Readiness: determine executive’s change capability for transformation
Design Culture required to implement strategy: discover unstated beliefs & auto-impact; assess realistic risk/investment
Phase 2: Engage Strategy Leadership Network
Shift beliefs-in-action, key implementation prototypes
Prototype and pilot strategic change targets
Learning teams engage in conscious Action-Development
Take-it-to-the-Middle – process-centered change architecture
Phase 3: Leaders Developing Leaders
Engage enterprise leadership culture in systemic change
Value & Supply Chain in process: competitive superiority
Cross-boundary learning teams: new normal
New Beliefs-in-Action drive New Business Practices