

Recommended Reading

VLC Guide Services: Teaching VLC to Executives


MCG offers Vertical Guide services to individual executives for teaching the craft of Vertical Leadership Culture Transformation. Offerings are intentional, personalized services of knowledge transfer for vertical development in your current executive role. Leaders Developing Leaders will be the scope and focus. These are not training or consulting services. Members of your senior team may be involved at your request to deepen impact.


Vertical Development Service Referrals


Our MCG network is broad and deep, and we are pleased to assist with referrals for individual, team and organizational level services for Vertical testing, training, consulting and coaching.


For VLC Guide Services: Teaching VLC to Executives, contact:


For individual, team and organizational Vertical services in Organizational Leadership and Leadership Culture, contact Dr. Alice Cahill, the Center for Creative Leadership:


For inquiries about Vertical Leadership Culture in general of this website in specific, contact:

Charles J. Palus,

John B. McGuire,